Sunday, June 12, 2016

At work in Peru, Rwanda, Ghana, India and the Philippines

All WDI Summer Fellows are now on site in Peru, Rwanda, India, Ghana, and the Philippines!

Carissa De Young, an Erb Institute MBA/MS candidate, has been in Peru working with Shared-X since early May.  Carissa is developing a strategy to measure, communicate, and expand the social impact of Shared-X’s model of engagement with smallholder farmers in a couple regions in Peru.
Elisabeth Michel, a School of Public Health MPH candidate, is in Ruli, Rwanda facilitating and leading a hospital retreat that creates a shared vision of high-quality and patient-centered health care, and includes an implementable framework for decision-making and problem solving.   

Dilparinder Singh, a Ross MBA candidate, is working with PATH’s India Innovation Hub, which encourages innovative approaches to healthcare.  He will also conduct a market landscape analysis of current malaria testing and treatment algorithms in Ethiopia. 

Michael Manansala, a Ford School MPP candidate, is in the Philippines working with Pearson Affordable Learning Fund (PALF) and APEC to improve annual student assessment and quarterly academic reporting by analyzing existing student performance data and benchmarking it against publicly available data to determine learning outcomes.  

Naomi Wilson, a PhD candidate at UM’s School of Education, is in Ghana working with Pearson Affordable Learning Fund (PALF) and Omega Schools on the development of a structured, evidence-based, and easy-to-use software tool for selecting new school sites and determining appropriate price points for specific locations. 

Carissa De Young, working alongside a professional coffee taster in Peru
2016 WDI Fellows (Naomi Wilson, left and Michael Manansala, holding flag) with PALF Manager for Efficacy, Owen Henkel, at PALF's orientation week in New York.  Also pictured is Kara Foley, a UM Ross MBA student who is also working with PALF.